Monday, October 15, 2007

Chapter 1---The Exit to War

I am but fifteen, and my two first years of adolescence are already stained with blood, and violence. My country, Quebec, suffered a major economical corruption in 2045, four years after it gained independence from Canada. Hundreds died of starvation, and thirst. There was no way the country would last another year; it would have been a wasteland by that time. Until one day, Quebec discovered a new element called Purilanitium. A chemical substance found in the Saint-Lawrence River’s sea weed roots. After discovering that the element purified what ever it was put into. Every one in Quebec wanted to have it, and for five years Quebec had clean water, and the land grew food like if it was part of Canada again. But, the citizens began to take advantage of this element, and greed can sometimes lead to murder. Sooner then expected Quebec was at civil war, south wouldn’t share the element that was located in the river and fight to keep it for themselves, and the north would fight to get some of the element for there own benefit. After more fighting the situation went from bad, to worst. The Americans soon heard of the element and began their campaign to get it themselves. Starting by slowly invading the north, and bombing the south, until the whole country was in chaos. Canada soon declared war on the Americans, the reason behind that is that the Americans accidentally bombed a town in Ontario. Although the Americans claimed it was an accident, the Canadian government believes they should help us get the Americans out and bring the Quebecois get back on their feet.

I am part of the Quebec Provincial Resistance Army. A resistance that was formed by Quebecers who help evacuate citizens into Canada, and help the Canadians fight the Americans out of the country. Since we are more common in the south, the ‘Armée Du Nord Civil’, or Northern Civil Army, will fight us if encountered. The ‘Armée Sud Quebecois’, don’t bother us much, except when they notice we are evacuating northern citizens, they might tend to kidnap them. If we resist, they will shoot to kill.

Last night, I and around nine of us were loaded into a truck, heading for the city of Montreal. Apparently, the Americans are starting one hell of a city fight over there, and they cleared many of our safe houses. Now we are going back to round up as many QPRA fighters to retreat from the city, considering we cant use phones and e-mail messages any more. I don’t know what will be over there, all I know so far is that the city is swarmed with American soldiers and armor, we might also need to help the ASQ, and evacuate as many of our guys in a certain amount of time.

We were close to the city, all we needed to do this time is cross the Saint-Lawrence by raft, and begin moving into the city. We would of used the bridge to get there, but most of them are either occupied by American soldiers, or destroyed.

The temperature today was 7۫C, and fog swallowed the coast of the island. We can see the fire burning buildings, gun tracers flowing across streets, and hear the loud pouncing noises of guns and bombs. I was nervous, it wasn’t the first time I went into combat, but I knew it was going to be a hard finding and knowing the enemy in this thick fog. I checked my knapsack with most of my belongings in it to see if I forgot anything important. What I should have in there is my food, maps, socks in plastic baggies, some cigarettes, and my mess kit. Every thing seemed to be in order; all I needed to check now was my gear. Some smoke grenades, four pouches of FAMAS ammunition, my FAMAS rifle, my glock17, rope, and warm clothing. I checked my pockets, my boots, and finally the hat. I had all I needed to bring. When I looked up from my things, we reached Nuns Island.

Heck, I’m going too much ahead of myself. I forgot to introduce you the team. Well I know four of us tops. I know Crock, the man leading this team. Crock got his name for eating his food in one to two bites max, he gets sick from doing it, but he always has the same quote, “Better eating fast now then eating slower when injured.” Out of all the team, only one person knows what it means, and that, is Wilfred Gauvin. Will made his own two moods he calls “the war mood” and the “out of war mood”. The war mood is when he is quiet, nods, shakes his head, or shrugs when we ask him a question, and the out of war mood is when he is talkative funny and silly. Owen is sixteen and what he loves to do best is fight. Him and I are sort of buddies since there isn’t much of an age difference within each other. We usually stick together during battle. Last one on the list is Tessa. She is eighteen exactly, and joined the QPRA because it offered better education in science and technology. She used to work in the machinery and robotic laboratory with Professor McKlaine. Not that any of us know how she became part of the armed forces, but rumor has it that her and Klaine were having a relationship, or that she switched posts because she wanted to look out for her younger brother Max. She’s very friendly with most of us besides Crock. For some unknown reason, they don’t get along with each other, especially in battle. Crock would give her an order for instance, and she would start nagging why she wouldn’t be able to do some other chore.

Suddenly I was slapped across the face by some guy in the boat. “Wake up kid, were at land.” I quit day dreaming and got out of the boat like I was told to, but where were the others? All of a sudden, I trip over some one.

“Damnit Boris get down.” It was Owen, why shouldn’t I be surprised? I’m putting my life in danger. He grabs my knapsack and pulls me down to the ground. “What’s the matter over there?” Crock asked as he too was in the dirt.

“Boris is trying to get us caught and killed again.”

That’s not true, I’m always careful. “Shut up Owen, or I’ll leave you in the fog to get raped by the American sissies.”

“Quiet, I think I see some one in the distance.” Some one said from along the line of bodies.

The shadow just stood there, scratched its head, and started walking near us. “You people know we can hear you from the third balcony.” The person said as it seemed to have crossed his arms.

“Who are you?” Crock asked.

“I’m part of the ASQ coastal base, who are you?”

“We are nine QPRA soldiers, we are here to evacuate some resistance members. We are armed.”

“Not here to get our stuff I hope.”

“Don’t need it.” Another voice from the line responded.

“Fine, we trust you.”

Owen lifted his head a bit and turned to Crock. “What do we do now?”

“I don’t know.” He responded.

The shadow came back. “You peeps can come in if you want to, we won’t shoot ya.”

Crock got up and looked around for a bit. Then he pointed at some guy and directed his finger to the boats that were at shore, followed by pointing at me and Owen and beckoned us over.

We belly dragged ourselves near him, keeping our heads as low as can be. Till Crock finally cracked his orders.

“Okay, I don’t trust the ASQ, and you three, and I mean Tessa and you both, will go see if they mean business or trouble. Got it?”
Sure I got it, while I and two of my friends risk our heads; you can stay here where it’s safe and retreat if something does go wrong! Sheesh, Crock can be a real piss off before combat, it’s almost as if he picks you because he feels like it. Plus, I don’t know what is in that apartment building. This place could be a body house or something, or an interrogation base.

I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, so I flicked off the safety of my rifle before something would hit me like a speeding train. We were approximately seven meters away from the building, and fog was our only cover, so with out hesitation, I started running my way to the building. “Boris you idiot wait up.” Owen barked as I was making my way to the building. I was running, and the fog covered the ground so well I didn’t even see what I just tripped over, but I couldn’t stop to wonder. It was dangerous for any of us to be out in the open when American snipers lurk the windows. Finally I reach a brick wall. In the middle of catching my breath I get whacked over the head. “You fucking moron! The next time you pull that solo crap again I’ll shoot both your speed demon knees! Clear?” From the voice sounded it was Owen, and I really pissed him off. I have never seen him this way before. Must be the fog, a lot of people would be afraid of not knowing where a shot came from or who got shot. He is just worrying his ass off for me when I don’t know how I can worry for him. Finally Tessa came out of the fog and caught up. She was carrying lots of equipment by the look of bulks on her. “Well, are we gonna go or what?” She asked as she was getting her breath back.

I nodded and began moving towards the light coming out of the door. I raised my gun hopping I wouldn’t have to use it, and looked over a window to see if any thing was waiting for us. Finally we reach the door. “Hello?” I asked before entering the building.

“Hey. You can come in, were not planning on killing any body right now.”

I entered first, inside the main hall were four guys. All armed with Kalashnikovs and relaxing. One came out of an elevator and was wearing some old trench coat.

“Ah QPRA soldiers, how is every one?” The man asked.

“Excuse me, who are you?” Owen asked pointing his finger at the man.

“I am in charge of this base; I make sure you QPRA soldiers don’t smuggle out any of our enemies across the coast. And may I ask who are you?”

“We’d rather keep our identification to ourselves and other QPRA staff.”

“I see. Well then run along now; let us get back to our business.”

“Wait.” Owen burst out. “What are you doing?”

“Why were liquefying our friend Purilanitium so that he can be placed in a frozen compartment for the next time we will need him.”

“Why don’t you give us a tour of your lab, our commanding chief isn’t expecting us until this apartment is secure.”

“I thought you’d never ask. Come I’ll show you how we do it.”

Owen followed the man into the elevator and gave us the nod to let us know we can move on. Tessa went in followed by me.

The manager of this establishment pushed the fourth floor button, and two cameras came out from the sides. Then a turret came out from the ceiling.

“Don’t mind our security system, it’s just standard procedure. Oh, and when we get off, I will need you all to give your rifles to the security officer at the door.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Any sign of brass in the lab can infect the Purilanitium liquefying process.”

There was nothing that could come to mind when he said that. The elevator bell dinged and the doors opened. The scientist came out the door first and grabbed me by the shoulder. Directed me to a platform, and nodded to a man behind a window. “This is just where we take out any brass material. It shouldn’t take long.”

Later from the ceiling came rings that encircled me and started moving up and down. My rifle began floating in mid air, along with my chain necklace, my brass knuckles, and my can of beef. Soon they were all dropped on the ground. The intercom soon turned on. “Okay buddy, you can get off the brass platform now. Uh, Will you can bring in the next victim now.”

“Right, you who just went can carry on to the lab. We’ll meet up with you in a couple of minutes.”

I just nodded in agreement since I had no idea where to go from here on. Before me was a sheet of plastic, and once I entered the lab, it was like looking at the cleanest most high tech lab I have ever seen. These plants were being hand twisted and I was able to see the light blue liquid of Purilanitium leak from its stem. Being transferred into these tubes and soon bringing them into these filtering tanks. I didn’t even know if they were filtering tanks actually, I just guessed. Owen soon entered the lab. He still has his old iron bullet revolver on him. He smirked at me. “Good thing one of us has a gun.”

Soon Tessa entered the room and she still had her rifle. “Why do you get to keep your rifle?” Owen asked in a shocked tone.

“No brass ammo, just steel and bronze.” She added as soon as the scientist came in.

“Right, as you can see right in front of you, our laborers twist the element out making the substance flow into a funnel, soon leading the liquid into a tube, that transfers it to our filtering tanks.”

Filtering tanks? I guessed right. But also, I still think this place is a waste of time. I don't know what the rest of the guys are doing right now at the coast, what ever it is it mustn't be important. Right now we should be in the city evacuating our allies. But instead, I'm getting taught this crap, and they're down there doing shit!
We have no time, we got to get moving.

"Okay, sorry but we really got to get back." I interrupted.


"We need to stick to our objective, I didn't come here to take a tour of your weed factory."

The scientist had a shocking look on his face, the one where you'd think he has no life. "Very well then, let me get our security guard to bring back your things."

The scientist left the room leaving us behind to wait. Owen had a look on his face that showed his annoyance, or maybe he was just angry. "What the fuck is the matter with you? We could of stollen a few samples or something so that our bio labs can figure some shit out about this element."

"Listen, we came to Montreal to help some of our comrades, not fiddle with science."

"Well maybe while were here, we can fiddle around with science!"

"Enough!" Tessa blew out before I can think of an answer for Owen. "We will head back and report for duty, like Boris said we are here to help the other ones who are out there."

"Fine, but let me at least get one vile full of puril."

He pulled out a small plastic vile out of his pocket and gave it to one of the workers. He seemed to have whispered a few words to the worker and he didn't look like he was going to cooperate. Owen looked back at us, and pulled his revolver out from his jacket. Whispered a few more words at the worker and lifted the gun to his heart. Without even answering back the worker took the vile and filled it with a sample. Owen put his revolver back in his jacket and put the vile in a small tin case, soon putting that in his napsack.

"Okay,lets bounce!"

Tessa left the room first since she had the rifle, followed by Owen since he was the second to have weaponry, and followed the gang till we reached the security post.

Funny thing though he was gone. We entered the office, hoping to find the weaponry ourselves. But the place was a mess. The room was filled with paper, empty and full boxes, box's pizza were swarming the table tops. I was just walking along the room till I found some closet. "Hey guys, I think I found the stash!" I exclaimed. Before I opened the door I checked it's hinges for any traps; such as trip wire, or bombs. After a minute of safety check, I believed it was safe to open the door. I reached for the knob in excitment. There's a small rush of curiosity going through my mind now, for I don't know what is behind this door, whether its all my brass shit, or something that can help all of us in our little journey to save the others. But as abvious as somethings can be, it was just the brass equipment we got taken from us.

I got my rifle and reminded Owen that our stuff was in here.

All ready, geared up, we hit the elevator. Since I got there first, I took the liberty of pushing the button. Though I had a humourous smile on my face, it didn't effect Owen or Tessa. The elevator reached our floor at last. The friendly ring rang and we entered the elevator. The door closed behind us and we were heading for the main floor. But the quiet ride down was interrupted by a halt in the elevator. "Has any one wondered why the security guard wasn't in his office before we left?" Owen asked while he was reloading his weapon. Tessa just shrugged while lighting a smoke. When her smoke was lit she just put her lighter back in her coat and pushed the button again. The elevator began moving again. "Ha,god for bid I just had to push a stupid button."

We finally reached the first floor and the door opened. When we stepped out the lobby was a mess. All the guards who were here a while ago, were torn to shreds. On lost half his body, and the rest were all damaged from some explosion. Maybe this was why the elevator stopped earlier. We couldn't tell if this happened from the fourth floor. "What could of done this?" I asked considering I had no knowledge of blast patterns or identify the smell of the bomb to see who made it and who could of used it. "This bomb was light. By telling that it was able to tear a hole in the wall, kill at least three people in a blast radius of four meters, and not take down this whole side of the building. This bomb, missile, or grenade was antipersonel." Tessa stated as she was examining the blown up wall.

"What happened to the rest of the gang?"

"I don't know, the fog is clearing up so we should have an easier time getting to the river bank. If were lucky they are or most of them are still there."

"Right, let's get going then. Owen, you take point."

"Got it

Owen got out through the open hole in the wall and began moving to the closest piece of cover. Tessa and I stood in the building waiting for the okay. Owen got soon got up from his rubble and waved us over.

We got to his point with out loosing breath. But when we got to his position, the whole gang was gone. All that was left were the boats, a few boxes, a radio, and two dead bodies. One of the dead was one of ours, and he seemed to have been stabbed to death, but the other one was wearing a green and blue arm band. "Who wear's a blue and green armband?" I asked Owen as he kicked the body to see the mans face.

"I don't know Boris, but Montreal is filled with different types of resistance factions. This might be one of them."

"Who ever they are, they can be quite ignorant." Tessa exclaimed as she came out of a car."They left their car behind."

"So what are you suggesting?" Owen asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"We get the rest of the team and ditch this island before the American or even the Canadian army airstrikes the shit right out of this city."

"How do you know that?"

"They just told me over their radio. We have seven days, so we better get moving."

"So you want us to go in that old Toyota piece of crap right now?"

"Do you know a better way in the city?"

I looked back at Owen and he shrugged. "Okay then, lets go."

We ran in the car and Tessa took the wheel. This was a healthy car, Tessa turned it on with out difficultye were on the highway.