Thursday, October 4, 2007

Red Curiosity

What does a man do when he is in an environment of smoke, rubble, fire, and war? Should he hide, run, proceed to battle, or take his own life? If he decides to hide, what will happen if he is found? If he decides to run, will he know where to go? If he decides to go to battle, will he end with glory or blood? And if he takes his own life, will it really end his suffering? Questions like these are usually answered if put in action during this phase of fear, but must some really have to be answered? Would they be better off unknown, or would curiosity conquer critical thinking? Many of these questions have been answered, but the answers will always be locked away in the minds of those who have experienced these choices. If you were lost in this environment, were afraid, and had a weapon, which question would you put to the test? We all live with curiosity, but are we always aware of its consequences?

(That is pretty much it. If you have comments, e-mail me at